Blood and Battle - Chapter 5 - QueenOfHearts01 (2024)

Chapter Text

Dari awoke to the smell of smoke and melting wax dancing across her nose. Her eyes adjusted to the room, flicking candlelight illuminating the tall arched ceilings. She lay on a soft cloak, providing a buffer from the cold hard floor. Eyes drifting across the room she saw shelves and shelves of alchemical ingredients with a small library in the far right corner. Most peculiar was the circular indentation in the center, runes and candles surrounding it, adding to its ominous presence. A walkway stood above it, where someone stood, mumbling to themselves, reading a journal, and sprinkling ingredients into a vessel. As her senses awoke, the smells of the various ingredients flooded her, the feathers, bugs, plants, organs, powders, and crystals overwhelmed her, until she could handle it no longer


The woman on the walkway looked over, setting down the journal and rushing to her side.

"Dari you are awake! Please, drink this" Serana said, offering her a strange bottle

Dari uncapped the bottle and downed its contents. The thick viscous fluid danced on her tongue, the flavor unimaginable as she chugged every last drop. Fatigue fadded and strength returned as every last drop fell to her mouth, licking the bottle for any remnants.

"What was that?" Dari asked, craving more.

"A blood potion, magically preserved blood, not as good as the fresh stuff, but it's good in a pinch" Serana looked at her with concern "You were far more thirsty than I had thought, thankfully my Mother had a small stockpile of them, though it is best we not put off feeding too long"

"Where are we anyway?"

"My Mothers laboratory, it was hidden behind the fireplace in the construct room. It took me longer than I would like to admit to find it." Serana smiled

Her soft hand lay on her side

"Are you ok?"

Dari nodded "The blood certainly helped"

"I was so...worried, I am glad to have you back"

Dari was taken aback. She was worried? What exactly did she mean to Serana?

Serana clears her throat "Well uh, while you were out I looked around and found my Mother's journal, this thing in the middle" Serana says, pointing to the circular indentation Dari saw earlier "It's a portal to the Soul Carin, that's where my Mother went to hide!" Serana said excitedly

"What's the Soul Carin?"

"I know very little of it myself" Serana stated "What I do know is its plane of oblivion where all souls contained in a black soul gem go and that it's ruled over by the Ideal Masters"

"The Ideal Masters?" Dari asked

"No one really knows who, or what, the Ideal Masters are. What is known is they are powerful beings who feed off souls and offer deals to powerful necromancers who bring them large amounts of souls, what is not as well now is these deals are often tricks, working to the Ideal Masters advantage in some way. I don't know what my Mother was thinking going to them" Serana replies

"So what's that plan? We go down and find her?"

"Yes but there is one hurdle, I found every ingredient to open the total save one, her blood, and seeing as we are opening this portal to find her, we have no way of getting it"

Dari just stared at her for a bit, dumbfounded.

"What?" Serana asked

"Serana, you share her blood..."

Serana facepalms "Gods why did I not think of that, in my defense I have been a bit on edge since you passed out"

Dari felt butterflies in her stomach. She really did care, didn't she?

"How long was I out?"

"Sixteen hours, but don't worry, it's normal for fresh turns, as your body adjusts and your blood requirements are still high, it's one of the few things that are worse for a pureblood"

"Will I be ok? For the Soul Cairn?" Dari asked nervously

"You have rested now, and we have plenty of potions, you should be fine, but we should spend as little time in there as possible"

Standing up Dari dusted herself off, Serana reached past her, picking her cloak off the ground, and secured it around her neck. Dari felt the same butterflies as before, she let her use her cloak as a bed?

They walked to the platform, standing in front of the circular portal, standing in wait for them to activate it.

"You ready? I don't really know what will happen when I add my blood" Serana asked pulling out her dagger

Dari nodded and Serana drew the blade across her palm, squeezing it above the vessel. Dark red blood dripped down as the vessel glowed and the ground rumbled. The portal lowered each circle proving a step to the center, stairs forming up to the platform. As the final circle lowered the portal sprung to life, dark purple flames erupting, energy radiating from it like heat from a fire.

"Wow, I can't believe she actually did it, the gold and magic it must have taken to build this is...immense"

"I am sure once we find her you can ask all about how she did it" Dari smiled "Shall we?"

As they walked toward the portal the power emanating from it got more and more intense, like walking into a fire she felt like she was going to burn up, until she crossed the threshold.


As she came through she saw the world around her. It was a barren waste, a tall wall stood in the distance, and past that stood a grand keep, spires on either end, reaching to the dark blue sky. The sky itself shimmered and moved like a vortex as if it was trying to suck all the souls out or keep them within.

"Well this is certainly, dreary" Serana said, standing next to her "If I had to guess, my Mother will be in that keep in the distance"

"That's quite the walk" Dari wished there were trees or something to climb, letting her traverse the dead wastes faster.

"Not like we have a better option," Serana said, walking down the stairs.

Souls wandered the path as they walked along, mumbling to themselves as they past.

"Arvak! Arvak!" One soul yelled as it searched the wastes, taking notice of them, he walked over.

"You must help me find my Arvak! He does not belong in a place like this" The soul says

"Calm down. Who's Arvak?" Dari asks,

"Arvak. My horse. We came to this horrible place together. We were attacked my monsters, so I told him to run" he explains "Please, he's such loyal creature, and he's been running so long. You have to save him! A place like this will change you..."

"How can we help him? Where should we look?"

"Arvak! Arvak, where are you? Arvak, please come back! Come back!" The soul yelled, wandering away from them.

"I guess we will keep an eye out for a horse," Dari shrugged "How hard can it be to find one of those in here?"

"If there even is a horse down here, that soul did not seem to be all there" Serana added

"We should keep an eye out all the same"

They came to the large wall, a large opening leading through. As they stepped beyond its borders she saw the land beyond was even more of a wasteland. Strange pillars dotted the area, standing tall with holes and ridges covering them. Ruins spread across the land in various states of disrepair. Few souls stood on this side of the wall, the only real movement being purple sprites dancing across the land. The keep stood in the distance, its tall spires looking, even more, intimidating from here.

The sound of ground moving broke her from her thoughts. Four skeletons dug themselves from the ground. They were strange, bones blackened like coal, absorbing any and all light, glowing purple eyes like amethysts, staring into her soul. Dark mist seeped like tendrils. Some did not have any legs, floating by the same dark mist, propelling them upward.

Dari readied her bow and Serana her spells as the skeletons began their attack. The floating skeletons held back, reading spells in their hands, while the walking ones charged ahead, swords high in the air. Dari launched an arrow at one of the charging skeletons, striking it in the skull. It collapsed, dissolving into purple ash. Surprised, she fired a second arrow into the next, it falling just as easily. She looked to Serana who smiled, launching two ice spikes at the floating skeletons, dissolving to ash like the others.

"That felt easier than fighting normal skeletons," Dari said "Is that all the protection the Soul Cairn has ?"

"Guess they don't really expect visitors" Serana added "Come on, we need to get to that castle, hopefully, this is all the opposition we face"

The walk to the castle was long taking what felt like hours. Attacks from the strange skeletons did not help, while nothing more than an annoyance, they were a rather consistent one. Finally, the reached the grand keep, ancient stairs stood in front, crumbling and cracked, dust clouds forming around her feet as they walked up. Serana shifted nervously beside her, arms hugging her body. As they got to the top, the both froze. A large purple barrier stood before them, blocking the way to the doors. A woman stood behind it, turning to look at them as they approached

"Mother? Mother!" Serana exclaimed, rushing towards the barrier

"Maker... it can't be. Serana?" Serana's mother said

"Is it really you? I can't believe it! How do we get inside? We have to talk."

"Serana? What are you doing here? Where's your father?" Her Mother said, she sounded, angry?

"He doesn't know we're here. I don't have time to explain."

"I must have failed. Harkon's found a way to decipher the prophecy, hasn't he."

"No, you've got it all wrong. We're here to stop him... to make everything right

"Wait a moment... you've brought a stranger here? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, you don't..."

"You not only have the audacity to bring before for me, but you dress it in the family armor? Do you have no respect, no care?" She gestures for Dari "You come forward, I would speak to you."

Dari's heart sank, she was used to racism, she had experienced it all her life, more so in Skyrim than anywhere else. But to hear it from the person they were searching for, from Serana's Mother, hurt.


Dari stood, confused. "W-what?"

"I said, bow. You stand in front of Valerica Volkihar, Daughter of Coldharbour cat, and you will show me the respect I deserve"

Her ears fell back as she glared, she reminded her of the Thalmor, thinking themselves better than anyone else, thinking themselves worthy of worship.

"No" She growled

"Excuse me? Do you know what I am? What I could do to you" Valerica threatens

"Do you know what I am?"

Valerica looks at her closely, searching over her. She steps back, eyes widening.

"I-I see, well if you are worthy enough to be chosen by him, you are worthy of my trust. Across these wastes, you will find three keepers one in a tower to the east, one in a ruin to the south, and the final in a courtyard to the west." Valerica says "Take care of those keepers and the barrier will fall, and once the barrier is down, you will have my help, now begone".

Taken aback Dari starts to walk away, Serana joining her side.

"Wait" Valerica shouts "One more word of warning. There's a dragon that calls itself Durnehviir roaming the Cairn. Be wary of him. The Ideal Masters have charged him with overseeing the Keepers, and will undoubtedly intervene if you're perceived as a threat."

Nodding, Dari continues to walk on. As they came to the bottom of the stairs, she turned to Serana

"What in Oblivion just happened," Dari asks

"I-I don't know, I don't remember my Mother being so..."

"Racist, elitist, stuck up?"

"Y-yes, I am truly sorry about that" Serana replied "Are you ok?"

"I am used to racism, you kind of have to be a kahjiit outside Elsweyr, but I won't lie, hearing it come from your Mother, hurt"

Serana flinched as she said that, guilt showing on her face.

"But what has me more confused was the sudden heel turn, from asking me to bow, treating me as if I was beneath her, to saying was worthy of her trust? Something feels off" She said

"My Mother has always been...devoted, its possible she meant what she said, that you being a Daughter of Coldharbour made you worthy in her eyes, but it also stuck me as odd" Serana replied

"Perhaps we can get answers later, but for now, let's kill those keepers, with how easy the enemies of this place have been, how hard could it be?"


Dari slammed against the wall as the keeper kicked her away. An arrow flew from its bow, barely missing as she rolled out of the way, the arrow embedding deep into the stone wall behind her.

The keepers had been anything but easy. Each located in their own battleground, they were surrounded by a small army of armored skeletons, far stronger than the ones they faced before. Each keeper wore armor made of solid bone that was stronger than steel and wielded weapons of the same material. Their heads were nothing but mist, glowing blue eyes forever staring from within. They had managed to take two down, but they were getting tired and sloppy. The final stood on a platform floating far above the ground, threatening death to any who fell. Serana was busy fighting off the countless skeletons, leaving her to fight the keeper alone.

She fired three arrows in rapid succession, all bouncing off the keeper's armor. Dodging yet another arrow she aimed higher, arrow flying towards its head. The keeper smacked it out of the air, the broken arrow falling to the side. She needed to change her strategy if she did not want to die. The keeper towered over her and was almost as fast, she could not overwhelm it physically, but perhaps she could magically. Charging a spell she launched a fireball right at it, the keeper spun, tucking its head, the armor tanking the damage.

"sh*t!" she exclaimed, the keeper turning to face her once more.

It swung its bow at her, catching her in the stomach, spikes in the bow digging into her flesh. Cold blood dripped down her stomach, wounds healing slower than they should. Nothing was working, it felt hopeless. As a last-ditch effort, she cast invisibility, hiding from its sight. Surprisingly it worked, the keeper wandered about, searching for her. She readied her sword and charged. Sword in front as she at the only gap she could find, right into its armpit. The keeper recoiled as the sword stuck deep, her spell haven broken the keeper turned around and grabbed her by the throat. It spun her around, walking her to the edge. Panicking, she clawed at its grip and, much to her surprise, left deep gouges in its armor. Fully extending her claws she dug deep into its arm, causing it to release its grip. She fell down, dangerously close to the edge, digger her claws into the stone preventing her fall. She flipped off the edge, landing on all fours before pouncing at the keeper. Her claw dug deep into its chest plate, dark mist escaped around them. Wrapping her legs around its waist she swiped at it cutting chunks of the plate at a time. Chest exposed, she ripped her sword from its arm and plunged it deep into its chest. The keeper stumbled, then fell back, as Dari twisted the blade inside it. Its dark body disintegrates, mist fading into the air, shredded armor falling to the floor.

Dari fell to the side, resting on the cold hard stone. Looking over she watched Serana impale the final skeleton in the chest with an ice spike, piercing through its chest. Serana walked over to her looking just as weak. Reaching into her satchel she tossed Dari a blood potion. Frantically she uncapped it, pouring the viscous fluid down her throat, strength returning with every drop. Serana did much the same, red eyes glowing shortly as she finished the bottle.

"That was the last one, the barrier should be down," Serana said, still catching her breath.

Standing up, Dari sheaths her sword. "Then we should make haste, see what this help she promised is," Dari said "Plus there is still that dragon about."

Reaching out her hand she helped Serana up off the ground. The only way down from the platform was a teleporter. Stepping in, her vision was overtaken by a dark purple glow, before seeing she was once again on solid ground. Serana stepped out of the teleporter behind her, scrapping her foot in the sand.

"Solid ground, oh how I missed you" She said

"Not a fan of heights?"Dari asked.

"Not one bit, I don't understand how you are not"

"Trees in Vallenwood can be hundreds of feet tall, you quickly get used to heights living there"

"Well I'll stick to the ground if you don't mind, that sounds awful"

Dari could not help but laugh at that "Suit yourself, it really is the fastest way to get around"

Serana smiled at that and Dari could not help but stare. The purple glow of the Cairn reflected off her pale skin thin beads of sweet running down her forehead. Hair black as night, ruffled from battle still looked so soft, she wanted to reach out and brush her hands through it while kissing her ruby red lip...

She shook herself out of it

"We should, uh, get going to the keep"

"Yes, uh, right, I agree" Serana replied

Dari winced, she made Serana uncomfortable once again, all because she could not help but stare

As they walked toward the keep, a glowing purple horse ran past

"Wait, was that Arvak?" Dari asked

"I think so, we should follow it"

Dari nodded and they took off after the horse. The horse led them to a small altar, four souls surrounded it, hands out in worship, or perhaps in ritual? As they approached the souls shifted, turning into skeletons. A few arrows and spells quickly dispatched them and they went to investigate. On the altar stood a horse black horse skull, emanating a faint purple glow. Dari reached forward grabbing it

" saved him! His soul is free, I can feel it"

Dari nearly dropped the skull in surprise. "AH!" She shouted, turning to face the soul

"He's such a loyal beast. Here, I'll teach you how to call him to you"

He showed her how to cast the spell, most of it going over her head

"He'll help you get around this wretched place, but I'm sure he would be happier someplace sunnier. Goodbye, hero! Take good care of Arvak for me! Such a good horse..." The soul said, fading into the air.

Dari tried to cast the spell, hands glowing purple, she tried to recreate what he showed her, but failed.

"I was, uh, never really good at conjuration," Dari says nervously laughing

"Let me try," Serana says, before effortlessly casting the spell.

The skull faded from her hands as Arvak formed in front of them. He was majestic if not a little off-putting. His body was skeletal, bones dark as night with glowing with soft purple light. Mane and tail made of glorious purple fire, emitting no heat as it roared into the sky. Small flames leaked from his ribcage, hinting at the wildfire that was his heart. A solid black saddle rested on top, made of a leather-like material, with quilted dark purple cushioning. Silver bands and rivets held everything in place, with an engraved silver horn and stirrups finishing it off.

"Well then, after you," Serana said gesturing to the horse

Dari fidgeted nervously, "I uh, don't actually know how to ride a horse"

Serana smiled "Remind me to show you how one day, for now," Serana climbed onto the horse, reaching a hand out to her "Get on!"

Dari took her hand, pulling herself onto the horse. The saddle barely had room for two, pushing her close to Serana just to fit. Her breasts pressed up against Serana's back making her feel things she did not need to be feeling right now. As she settled in she realized she had no idea where to put her hands. Hand on shoulders would do little to help her hold on, hand on hips felt too intimate, and hands on the saddle was awkward and also provided little support. Serana ended up making the decision for her, reaching back and directing her arms to her waist.

"No need to be shy, be sure to hold on tight"

Dari did just that wrapping her arms around, holding on tight, breasts pressing harder, distracting her even more

"Ready?" Serana asked

Dari nodded against her shoulder, and Serana started forward. She was terribly uncomfortable, her legs were spread far too wide, and the constant bumps caused her to hop in the air every now and again. They were going so fast, the wind rushing through her hair too fast, horse hooves too loud. Panic rose in her stomach, gripping her heart. She grabed Serana tighter. Her face was shoved into Serena's hair, it smelt like violets, the scent dancing across her nose, calming her as they rode along.

She was, once again, very happy she could no longer blush.


They arrived at the front of the keep. Serana got off first, lowering herself to the ground, and offering a hand to her.

"Thanks," Dari said, taking her hand and shakily landing on the ground

She never wanted to get on that horse again. But at the same time, she missed the smell of Serana's hair, the feel of her waist, her brea...

"You ok?" Serana asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Y-yeah, just a little shaken, that was an interesting experience, to say the least. Dari replied

"Well we should head inside, I am sure my Mother is waiting for us" Dari could have sworn she saw the slightest hint of a frown on Serana's face as she walked away. Confused, she followed after her.

As they reached the top of the stairs Valerica waited for them

"You managed to destroy all three Keepers? Very impressive."

"The Barrier is down, will you help us now?" Dari asked, frankly

"Yes. Please, follow me. Keep watch for Durnehviir. With the prison's barrier down, he's almost certain to investigate." Valerica said, rushing into the keep.

As they got in the keeps doors slammed behind them, the crashing of wings echoed above.

"It's Durnehviir... he's here! Defend yourselves!"

Durnehviir shouted, purple projectiles shooting to the ground

The sound brought her back to Helgen, the dragon flying from above, burning all he saw. The smell of burnt flesh, screaming all around, struggling to find an escape

"Dari! Dari we have to move" Serana said, shaking her shoulder

She nodded, drawing her sword and running towards the battle.Durnehviir landed in front of them, countless skeletons rising around him.He was putrid, flesh showing where scales were not, oozing slime leaking from his mouth like a sick dog, wings tattered, holes and scars covering their surface, and his eyes, glossy and white as if he had long since passed.Durnehviir snapped at her, she rolled back, his jaws rushing past her as they snapped close. She matched his eyes, staring into the snow-white orbs, when something clicked, a feeling, a sense, something, right.

"Valerica, Serana, handle the skeletons, Ill handle Durnehviir"

"Dari are you crazy? You can't fight him alone" Serana said

"We can't fight him overwhelmed by skeletons either. Go!"

Serana opened her mouth to argue, eyes full of concern, but a skeleton's arrow stopped her, whirling past her face. She gave Dari one last look, before turning to face the skeleton hoard.

"Pahlok, Zu'u Fen Koraav Hi Mah" Durnehviir spoke, she did not know the words, yet understood, determined, to prove him wrong.

He snapped once again, but she was ready, flipping into the air, she spring boarded off his nose, landing on his neck. She swiped at his neck with her sword, the attack bouncing off his scales.

"Mey, Joor Zun Ni Ahraan Zu'u"

Smiling, she moved down,stabbing him in one of the patches of exposed flesh.

He roared, rearing, trying to get her off him as she dug her sword deeper. His screams drove her, focus tightening at the sound. Her footing wobbled as Durnehviir shook, wings flapping as he tried to launch into the air. She lost grip of her sword as his body lifted off the ground. She fell, her back slamming down, air pushed from her lungs. She put her arms back behind her head, pushing up as she launched herself to her feet. She was frenzied, euphoric, the thrill of battle filling her blood. She pulled out her bow and nocked an arrow. Pulling the sting back she aimed for his exposed flesh. The first shot whiffed, the second bounced off his scale, but the third found its mark. Durnehviir roared as the arrow embedded in his sensitive flesh, ecstasy filling her at the sound. She fired again, and again, arrow after arrow, each hitting the exposed flesh. Durnehviir wobbled in flight, slimy green blood seeping from his wounds. He circled the keep shouting down more orbs, summoning more skeletons. Finally, he turned towards her and shouted


The shout hit her and she felt her strength wane, feeling progressively weaker. Durnehviir crashed down in front of her, she went to cast invisibility, trying to hide from the dragons view as he walked towards her, but found her reserves depleted. She fell to a knee as he came close rearing his head back, preparing to finish her off. Drained of energy she could do nothing but watch as his head snapped towards her, just as an ice spike impaled itself in his neck. Durnehviir flinched away as the spike dug deep into his flesh, right where the arrows had earlier. Serana rushed to her side, tossing a bottle at her. Dari uncapped it chugging its contents. The blood revitalized her, Serana helping her stand as her energy returned in full.


Durnehviir shouted again, but Serana readied a ward, blocking the shout but shattering at the impact. Arrows and spells flew past, skeletons taking advantage of Serena's absence. Looking each other in the eyes they nodded, silently providing support for each other as they ran back to their posts.Dari readied her bow, firing arrow after arrow, at the beast's head, aiming for exposed flesh.

"ZUN HAAL VIK" He shouted, weapon torn from Dari's hands

Dari smiled, she rushed at Durnehviir, claws extended. He tried to snap at her again, but she rolled to the side, his jaws rushing past. She launched off the ground onto his neck, claws digging into scale as she climbed. Durnehviir swung his neck around, trying to throw her off, but her claws held strong. Reaching the top of his neck she reached for her sword, pulling it out of his neck. Durnehviir roared at the pain as he attempted to take off into the air once more.

"No you don't!" Dari said, running to his wings as they began to flap. She jumped onto them, claw and sword digging deep as he took to the sky. She started to slide back, tearing through the webbing of his wings as she fell. As she neared the end she reached out, digging her claws into the bone of his wing, barely saving her from a fall. Durnehviir's flight faltered, the tear in his wing causing him to corkscrew, flinging Dari off as he flew straight to the ground.

Dari spread out her arms and legs, slowing her descent as hurtled to the ground. Right before impact, she straightened out, legs slightly bent , to absorb most of the impact. With a loud


They both collided with the ground.

Dari attempted to stand to no avail, both her legs were broken, slowly knitting back together as she lie on the ground. She looked to Durnehviir, struggling much the same to get up, bones shattered, blood leaking from many wounds. She turned to see Serana rushing toward her the skeleton army defeated, piles of bones lying where they once stood.

"You actually did it, you defeated a dragon!" She said, helping her up

"No, not yet" Dari said, leaving her embrace as she wobbled to Durnehviir. He lay helpless on the ground, no longer having the energy to fight

"Brit grah Qahnaarin,"

"Su'um ahrk morah." The words escaped her mouth, instinctively, as she drove her sword through the roof of his mouth.

His body fell limp as she dealt the final blow, before dissolving with a bright purple glow. As it faded there stood no remains, just the lingering feeling of magic.

"Forgive my astonishment, but I never thought I'd witness the death of that dragon," Valerica says, walking up to her

"What makes you say that?" Dari asks

"Volumes written on Durnehviir allege that he can't be slain by normal means. It appears they were mistaken. Unless..."

"Go on."

"The soul of a dragon is as resilient as its owner's scaly hide. It's possible that your killing blow has merely displaced Durnehviir's physical form while he reconstitutes himself."

"How long will that take?"

"Minutes? Hours? Years? I can't even begin to guess. I suggest we don't wait around to find out. Now, if you would please walk this way we can discuss what help I can provide"

Dari walked ahead, towards the small alcove, enchantment, and alchemy tables stood in the corners, ingredients, and books lining shelves. Most notably, however, stood a long grand case. She walked to investigate when she felt a spell hit her back, her body froze and she fell to the ground.

"No! What are you doing?!?" Serana shouted

"Saving you, the prophecy needs you,or me to complete. The first scroll speaks of Auriel and his arcane weapon, Auriel's Bow. The second scroll declares that "The Blood of Coldharbour's Daughter will blind the eye of the Dragon."" Valerica says "Your father hunts for this bow, and once he gets it he will use it to kill one of us, using our blood to black out the sun." "I am safe here, Harkon can not reach me, but since you foolishly left your tomb, you are not safe, and he will to rest until he has the bow, and you. In his eyes you would be dying for the good of all Vampires"

Valerica looks down at her, kicking her in the ribs

"This stranger, this cat, provides a better alternative, I don't know how you came across another Daughter of Coldharbour but her blood can be used instead. Harkon would still be dooming our kind to extinction, but I can hide you again, keep you safe."

"Save me? That's what you call saving me? Being locked up in a tomb for the rest of my life, or spend my life hunted? And this stranger has a name, Dari, and she has done more for me than you have in centuries!"

Dari's eyes widened. Did she mean that? She meant that much to her. Wait, Dari blinked, wiggled her eyebrows and twitched her nose, the spell was fading

"How dare you! I gave up everything I cared about to protect you from that fanatic you call a father!"

"Yes, he's a fanatic... he's changed. But he's still my father. Why can't you understand how that makes me feel?"

"Oh, Serana. If you'd only open your eyes. The moment your father discovers your role in the prophecy, that he needs your blood, you'd be in terrible danger."

"So to protect me you decided to shut me away from everything I cared about? You never asked me if hiding me in that tomb was the best course of action, you just expected me to follow you blindly. Both of you were obsessed with your own paths. Your motivations might have been different, but in the end, I'm still just a pawn to you, too. I want us to be a family again. But I don't know if we can ever have that. Maybe we don't deserve that kind of happiness. Maybe it isn't for us. But we have to stop him. Before he goes too far, and killing someone I care about is not the way to do that"

Dari managed to wiggle her feet and make a fist. Serana looked over at her, she noticed.

"How exactly do you plan on stopping him then? She is nothing, what ever feelings you have for her matter little of you are dead."

"The scrolls are the answer, we get them, beat him to the prophecy, convince him to stop, to stand down"

"Harkon will never stop, not until he has what he want's you will never be safe as long as he lives"

"Then we.."

"You what? Kill him?" Valerica laughed "Even if you could bring yourself to do it, Don't you think I weighed that option before I enacted my plans? He is too powerful, you have no hope of stopping him"

"I would rather try and die than use the people I care about as pawns in a game to keep myself alive"

"Then I it seems I have to force my hand. This cat will be a fine distraction for Harkon as I find a place to hide you once more." Vlaerica readies her hands charging another spell.

Legs moving Dari she sloppily charges into Valerica, knocking her to the ground. Serana launches a spell of own, paralyzing Valerica on the ground. Serana rushed over to the intricate case she saw earlier, taking the scroll from inside. Dari was struggling to stand, legs struggling to move, when Serana picked her off the ground and carried her away.

"NOOO! MY DAUGHTER PLEASE, COME BACK, I WON'T LOOSE YOU TO HIM, HE CAN'T WIN" Valerica screamed as the great keep doors slammed behind them.

As they ran out the doors they froze. Durnehviir stood in front of them, resting on a collapsed stone pillar.

"Stay your weapons. I would speak with you, Qahnaarin."

She placed her feet down wobbly, Serana supporting her as she stood.

"I would love too but we are kind of in a hurry"

"Fear not, Valerica will be out for quite some time, and I shall keep her here, if you would grace me with a few words"

"Alright, what is it you want? I thought you were dead"

Cursed, not dead. Doomed to exist in this form for eternity. Trapped between laas and dinok, between life and death."

"Why are we speaking?"

"I believe in civility among seasoned warriors, and I find your ear worthy of my words." He said "My desire to speak with you was born from the result of our battle, Qahnaarin. I merely wish to respectfully ask a favor of you."

"And what is this favor?"

"For countless years I've roamed the Soul Cairn, in unintended service to the Ideal Masters. Before this, I roamed the skies above Tamriel. I desire to return there."

"What's stopping you?"

"I fear that my time here has taken its toll upon me. I share a bond with this dreaded place. If I ventured far from the Soul Cairn, my strength would begin to wane until I was no more."

"How could I help?"

"I will place my name with you and grant you the right to call my name from Tamriel. Do for me this simple honor and I will fight at your side as your Grah-Zeymahzin, your Ally."

"Just call your name in Tamriel? That's it?"

"Trivial in your mind perhaps, to me, it would mean a great deal. I don't require an answer, Qahnaarin. Simply speak my name to the heavens when you feel the time is right."

It seemed simple enough, and hopefully would not backfire on her.

"I accept, but answer me one more question. Why do you call me "Qahnaarin?""

"In my language, the Qahnaarin is the Vanquisher, the one who has bested a fellow dovah in battle."

"Fellow Dovah? I am not a dragon." Dari laughed

"Forgive me, my instinct was to grant you this title. I am uncertain why. Perhaps one day it will become clear to both of us."

Footsteps echoed behind the doors, Valerica was causing after them. Durnehviir reached over, wing blocking the doors as she tried to open them

"As promised I shall ensure she does not impare your escape Qahnaarin."

Without a second thought Serana summoned Arvak, and they were off. Dari hardly paid the ride much attention, to much was going through her head, the events of the last hour sending it spinning.

"Do you want to talk about what just happened" Dari asked as they rode towards the portal

"I'd rather not. Let's just get out of here."

Finally they arrived at the portal, the pair quickly dismounted and ran up the stairs, faint sounds of dragon roars behind them.


As they came through the other side Serana rushed to the offering bowl, removing it from the altar. As soon as it was removed the portal closed up, access to the Cairn blocked from both sides.

"Well, that takes care of that. My mother should be trapped in there... forever."

"Not forever, we still enough ingreidents to open the portal again, if you wanted to that is"

Serana stood in silence. Dari wondered if she said the wrong thing, she was about to apologize when Serana finally spoke up.

"I used to think my mother really did just want to protect me, even when she never listened to my protests, even when she left me in a cave, only to be rescued by a stranger" She slumped down against the wall, hugging her knees. "But now I realized it was never about me, in the end she was just as obsessed with the prophecy as my father. To the point she was willing to sacrifice you, my only friend, the only one to actually treat me as a person, not a pawn."

Dari sat next to her

" I think she does care about you you know" Dari said

Serana looks up at her then confused

"Sure she completely disregarded you feelings on how or if you wanted to be saved." "But she tried, in her own f*cked up way tried to show she cared"

Serana's head dropped again "I guess, in the end the prophecy destroyed both of them, changed them from the people I once knew"

Dari saw tears start to glisten around Serana's smooth skin

"I just hope the same won't happen to me, become so heartless or detatched I do nothing but hurt those around me"

Dari reached forward, grabbing Serana's chin and directing her gaze at her. Tears were dripping down her face now, glistening in the torch light

"Hey, that could never happen. You saved me, twice now, put yourself at risk and defied your own family." "We have not even know each other that long and already you have shown me more kindness than most people I have known"

Serana sniffled, tears flowing even more "You mean that?"

"With all my heart"

Their faces are close eyes locked on each other as Serana leans forward to close the distance between them, and kisses her.

Blood and Battle - Chapter 5 - QueenOfHearts01 (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.